The Earth Star Chakra is located about 20 to 30 centimetres below the feet and not connected to the physical body. It connects directly to the core of the Earth and plays a huge role in grounding your spiritual energy …
Mediumship is a type of channelling between a human being and a spirit. In my case I connect with passed over loved ones, Archangels and Ascended Masters. But for the purposes of this blog I am going to limit mediumship …
The root chakra or Muladhara (Sanskrit) is the energy centre in the body situated at the base of the spine. It corresponds to the colour and frequency of the colour red and has various themes including stability, security, finances, and …
Stephanie talks about healing yourself emotionally including with writing, the chakras and intuition.
There are seven psychic senses. First off, the most commonly known one is probably clairvoyance so clairvoyance means to see- to clearly see. Clair is a word derived from the French meaning clear. So clairvoyance means clear seeing so this means you …
Are you a women with a passion for creativity, spiritual and personal development and fun? Are you wanting support to develop your spiritual and intuitive gifts? Find out which type of Rainbow Spirit Warrior you are here: Have an amazing day!! …
A spiritual awakening is the process by which an individual increases their conscious awareness. It can be a gradual or sudden process and can be characterised by signs – some of which I will outline below. A spiritual awakening in my …
Love and life go hand in hand- without it we simply would not exist. There are pillars of love allowing us to flow our own way and walk our own way, but simply, when it comes down to it, we …
Stephanie discusses signs and synchronicities on her life’s journey so far.
Stephanie discusses some tools and techniques used by psychics.