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I am Stephanie Rae Pritchard, a Rainbow Spirit Warrior. That’s what my spirit guide said. His name is Redfeather. Anyway a Rainbow Spirit Warrior is a peacekeeper – a person here to help others find their peace. So I say ‘in love, peace and joy always’ because these 3 things love peace and joy are vibrationally pure and light and we would have a peaceful world if all man and women walked the Earth in those blissful states. 

I’ve been on this Earth 36 years and I can remember sitting at assembly in Kindergarten singing Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me… and that song still rings true to me today. 

I’m a spiritual mentor, teacher, author, guide, medium and healer. I am here on this Earth to help others. To advise them, to help them heal themselves and to bring them peace. 

My tribe, the Rainbow Spirit Warriors Tribe is a group of people on Earth doing the same as me. You will see all of my courses start with Rainbow and this is because I love rainbows and we individually and collectively are all different and we all resonate with different people at different times in our lives. So the rainbow is a symbol of difference but also a symbol of being the same because we are all light. 

Looking around my website you will see I offer quizzes, books, courses and more to develop your spiritual self. I also offer readings and healings available in the work with me section. 

In love, peace and joy always, 

Stephanie xxx