Mediumship Readings are a Type of Emotional Healing
Mediumship is a type of channelling between a human being and a spirit. In my case I connect with passed over loved ones, Archangels and Ascended Masters. But for the purposes of this blog I am going to limit mediumship to that of connecting with passed over loved ones.
A mediumship reading is a conversation between a spirit, the medium (me) and the sitter (the person who has booked the reading) which provides the sitter with validation that the passed over loved one is alive in spirit and with them in spirit.
There have been many types of clients that come to me for mediumship readings. They may want psychic information such as knowing about their upcoming career or business pursuits or about a relationship here on Earth. But more often than not I have someone from spirit interrupt the psychic reading to make their presence known to me so I pass on this information to the sitter. My role as a medium is to validate that their loved one is in spirit and that they are loved.
During a session with a client, I endeavour to be as honest as possible to provide clarity for the client. I don’t discuss death or any negative things with the client and aim to leave them feeling empowered after the session. Mediumship is healing for the client and I find it is a great alternative to spiritual healing however sometimes they happen in the one session.
Usually after the session a client is left happy and laughing (they may turn up quite skeptical) and are happy with the service provided.
If you are interested in purchasing a mediumship reading there are 30 minute and 1 hour sessions available: http://stephanieraepritchard.as.me/readings
In love, peace and joy always,
Stephanie xxx