Who are you? Personality tests.. I’m a Driver.
Oh yeah—- its a revelation- I do drive. I thought I would tell the world about it!
Now.. on a serious note:
The journey of self-development has been one over many years and certainly will continue; however, determining my personality type and aligning it with my career direction was an important step. Now, I personally do not believe human beings can fit holistically into a ‘box’ and I question congruently the foundations of the personality tests as there are so many and even variations of the same test. Personality tests are used by business to employee individuals along with the skill sets required for a particular job. So here are a couple of tests to determine your own personality type and prospective career options.
The first and as far as I am concerned most predominant personality test is based on the psychological types proposed by Carl Jung in 1971 (typological theory). Subsequently, a mother and daughter team Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myer developed the Myers-Briggs self-report questionnaire – the 16 personality type test. The test consists of eight parameters which are assessed by a series of statements into a percentage. The 8 parameters are:
Introvert (I) v Extrovert (E): the direction of their energy.
Sensing (S) v Intuition (N): the perception of information.
Thinking (T) v Feeling (F): how a person processes information.
Judgement (J) v Perceiving (P): how a person implements the information processed.
– me, I am an INTJ (Introverted, Intuition, Thinking and Judgement) type personality (apparently extremely rare occurrence for woman only 0.8%) however fit in the middle for thinking/feeling so could fit more into the INFJ (Introverted, Intuition, Feeling, Judgement) personality type box (only 1% of the population are regarded as this personality type).
If you would like to try the test yourself for FREE see the two different links for the test below links below:
Another test I have tried on my journey is the Four Personality Styles test. The four personality styles are Drivers, Analysers, Promoters and Supporters. Usually, you will have a more dominant and less dominant personality style (ie Driver Analyser). This test is useful to determine the career you are most suited to. Further information can be found here:
So tell me did the tests help you to define your personality type and do you agree with the career choices that are given for your particular personality? Feel free to comment below!
Enjoy your journey!