Spiritual Healing of the Emotional Self to Enhance Vitality
Spiritual Healing is using universal consciousness energy to heal the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual planes of a person. A person who experiences spiritual healing usually experiences an upliftment in energy enhancing their vitality. I work with the God ministry – the Archangels, Ascended Masters and my own Native American Spirit Guides – Redfeather, White Eagle and more. Spiritual Healing helps you to feel more positive and uplifted.
Clients come to me for spiritual healing for a variety of reasons including emotional grief such as passed over loved ones, relationship breakdown, miscarriage and also their physical self such as headaches, being overweight and more.
My Rainbow Mapping Methods are a group of techniques I use to scan the spiritual energy field including the chakras and the auras but mainly the chakras. Today I’m going to talk specifically about one technique called the Rainbow Circle Healing Map which predominantly works with the chakras. The Rainbow Circle Healing Map is a tool to see what blockages are coming up in the chakras and why. My spiritual guidance team connects to yours and can connect to the Archangels and Ascended Masters during the session. My healing session works that I channel from your spiritual guidance team the reasons why the chakras are blocked but also clear the spiritual energy field at the same time.
This is a Rainbow Circle Healing Map.
It includes all the major seven chakras as well as the Earth Star which is connected to grounding. The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual plane are explored concurrently throughout the session.
After a session clients feel more present, uplifted and calm. Specifically I have had one client say she was able to sing now so I must have unblocked her throat chakra. Clients are usually grateful for the session and are happy to continue with their day.
Things change every day. So I suggest doing a spiritual healing session daily in some way even if that is imagining white light in the shower to go over your body and clear your spiritual energy field. There are plenty of YouTube videos to clear your spiritual energy field including Jason Stephenson and the Honest Guys. I suggest booking in with me if you would like verification of what’s going on in your spiritual energy field on a fortnightly, monthly or six monthly basis.
In my session its a 1:1 session via zoom. We pick some coloured pencils and complete the Rainbow Circle Healing Map. Then we heal your spiritual energy field. If you are interested you can book in here: https://stephanieraepritchard.as.me/rainbowcirclehealing
In love, peace and joy always,
Stephanie xxx