Ella’s Story: Boundaries and People Pleasing
About Ella
Ella* is an intuitive worker online. She is a healer. She wrote to me – she was looking for an Aura and Chakra Report because she had a fear of being used and betrayed. She felt people were pretending to be her friend for their own benefit and she was hurt by this. She had noticed this pattern in her life a lot lately.
The Aura and Chakra Report for Ella
Ella’s report showed some interesting aspects. I sensed she was an emotional eater due to trauma as a child that she still holds onto- being forced to eat. I felt like she bottled up these emotions which lead to her being overweight. There was guilt and shame in the mix too and strong desire to people please. Ella had this ability to people please from her family (the root and sacral areas) but also with relationships in her life. She was looking and searching for acceptance and love but in fact was receiving none of this- but the opposite. Was she standing in her personal power (solar plexus)- nope. She was playing small due to lack of self-acceptance and self-forgiveness (root) but also acceptance of herself by others. She was playing small in all areas of her life but especially her business; I feel she will step into her power once she finds her own self-belief and her tribe will come to her- no need for people pleasing.
How Ella felt after the session
Ella said after receiving her aura and chakra report she felt pleased with the information she received and felt the positive energy from the healing. She was grateful for the time taken to do the report and she would be mindful of her boundaries from now on.
To book in your own Aura and Chakra Report with Spiritual Healing, click here.