Change: what’s stopping you?
Change starts with YOU and only you. You are the one who decides where you are going, what you’re going to do and to take action in your life, or not take action- this is totally up to you.
I spent the last month of last year resisting action. And I’m ok with that- no need to commit – made excuses, made other plans and went other directions.
Predominantly here, I am talking about my physical activity- since my daughter was born I have struggled with my weight. It’s gone up, and its gone down, and its gone up, and its gone down – just like a yo-yo.. so when is it that there is going to be balance? Underneath that were emotional issues- stress- related- big time stress and indeed just a love of chocolate and coke (you know that soft drink) 🙂
I tried diets- 12wbt by Michelle Bridges and her team ( (got some motivation, quit, and repeat this twice more); I tried Sam’s 28 day challenge (was ok, no results to write home about); I even called the health coach phone number just for some accountability to which I noticed that every month she called LIFE HAD CHANGED (I’d picked up a new job, I’d moved, but ultimately I’d made more EXCUSES to NOT change my health – I don’t have time, I don’t have money, I have to do something else and on and on and on).
Previously, before my daughter was born, I went to the gym at university (I was ridiculously self-conscious and again made excuses NOT to go such as I have to study or its too early or I want to sleep in) and finally late last year I went along to a free fitness class (run by Herbalife) that I LOVE.
My mind has shifted somewhat significantly during all of these changes- I am no longer self-conscious about how I look when I exercise, because I have re-framed it- everyone is there for the same thing- to get fit, and really, really? Are they REALLY focusing their attention on me???????? And if so GREAT maybe they will learn how to look sexy and serious all at the same time hahahaaha or better yet maybe they’ll observe my body’s positive change- imagine that!
So for you- I have a little activity- if you would like. If you’re sitting here thinking I don’t need to change I am happy with life- this is great for you- I’m amazed – I hope your life continues on a upward slope to continued happiness, abundance, peace and joy- and you could probably skip this part- but if you are wanting to change aspects of your life- this could include career, relationships, finances, fitness, mindset, health or anything else in your life- give this visualisation a go. Read it all first- then do it!
First off – you will need a paper and a pen or Microsoft Word or Notepad or something similar to write down your thoughts after you are finished the visualisation. Then get comfy wherever you are sitting.
Then click here:Â (this is just a relaxation track)
Take 2 deep breaths.
Close your eyes. Take your time- maybe 30 seconds here to get centred and relaxed.
Ask yourself in your mind:
What do I want to change in your life?
What do I want to change right now?
What would change look like to me?
Why do I want to change it?
Spend time thinking about these things until you’re satisfied with your answers.
Take some more deep breaths and close the meditation browser.
Write down or type your answers to those questions. Ask yourself:
Are these changes realistically for me right now?
What is the first step to make the change happen?
And most importantly:
Why do I want to change?
From here- you have a choice- take action or take no action- this is your choice.
Create a small action plan. The first step, the second step, the third step and you will go there when you remember the why, you commit and you take action!!!!!!!
Hope you find this helpful. As I referred to in the blog video Jim Rohn was a motivational speaker and I love his work- check it out here:
Enjoy your journey!
Stephanie x