12th September 2017- 18th September 2017 Inspired Action, Expansion, Stillness and Renewal
For many this week, you will realise where you have been and where you were a year ago there has been great progress. You have reflected on your progression and know you’re at a point of expansion. Holistically there is inspired action stepping up to move forward with your business or work this week to inspire those who you help and knowing within yourself you are moving towards a broader horizon.
Consequently you are renewing your energy, elevating and expanding it as we are reaching these new heights together as humanity. Those within this flow, which is most of us, will flourish and wander with a knowingness. Those struggling with it are resisting, not holistically expressing who they are, but they will know their new direction and expanding in their own time. Self-focus is the key for you who feel this way- stillness within will give you the answers you seek and only this which you trust.
Hold your head high as you enter this new phase knowing you are treading slowly to the new horizon and you will get there, some faster, some slower, but all with expanded flow and peace within.
Until next time, follow the rainbows and have an amazing week!
Stephanie x
The swan is symbolic of love, beauty and transformation perfectly fitting for the flow right now 🙂Â