10 Ways to Bring More Gratitude into Your Day.
Gratitude is an attitude. A mindset that allows you to be thankful for something in your life regardless of your circumstances. Focusing daily on what you are grateful for is immeasurably beneficial to cultivating a positive mindset and outlook. Bringing gratitude into your life daily has a variety of positive benefits in all areas of your life including to your health, career and emotions.
Below is a quick list of 10 ways to add more gratitude into your life every day. 1. Write a gratitude journal. 2. Write down three things daily that you’re thankful for. 3. Reminisce about this time last year and focus on the blessing and the lessons. 4. Be present in the moment. 5. Donate or volunteer or help someone for free. 6. Say thank you even to the little things. 7. Be thankful for the day. 8. Say a gratitude prayer. 9. Say thanks even for the negative in your life. This will allow you to really establish what you are thankful for. 10. Say thank you to others and mean it. This could mean writing someone a letter, email or text and expressing to them how grateful you are for them in your life. Being grateful has long being associated with increased happiness and positivity in an individual’s life. It also allows more positiveness to come into your life as you attract what you focus on. Let me know what gratitude practices you use or will be using daily in the comments below. Enjoy your journey! Stephanie x |